
  1. Senior Researcher at OMRON SINIC X,

    Mobile Robot Navigation / 3D Computer Vision / GPU-accelerated Machine Learning
  2. Research Engineer at OMRON SINIC X,

    Mobile Robot Navigation / 3D Computer Vision / GPU-accelerated Machine Learning
  3. Senior Software Engineer at Fixstars,

    Computer Vision / Autonomous Driving / SIMD / CUDA
  4. Researcher at NTT Labs,

    Computer Vision / Low-level Vision / MRF Optimization
  5. Part-time Web Application Engineer at Hatena,

    Frontend / Backend / Web Application
  6. Research Intern at IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory (TRL),

    Computer Vision / Traffic Monitoring
  7. Software Engineer Intern (BOLD) at Google,

    Native Client Project, Chrome Team
  1. Ph.D. in Informatics at Kyoto University,

  2. M.S. in Informatics at Kyoto University,

  3. B.E. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Kyoto University,

  1. Multi-Agent Behavior Retrieval: Retrieval-Augmented Policy Training for Cooperative Manipulation by Mobile Robots

    So Kuroki , Mai Nishimura , Tadashi Kozuno

    International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) ,

    paper project

  2. Robot Swarm Control Based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Obstacle-Unaware Navigation

    Michikuni Eguchi , Mai Nishimura , Shigeo Yoshida , Takefumi Hiraki

    International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) ,


  3. Swarm Body: Embodied Swarm Robots

    Sosuke Ichihashi , So Kuroki , Mai Nishimura , Kazumi Kasaura , Takefumi Hiraki , Kazutoshi Tanaka , Shigeo Yoshida

    ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) ,

    paper arxiv

  4. When to Replan? An Adaptive Replanning Strategy for Autonomous Navigation using Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Kohei Honda , Ryo Yonetani , Mai Nishimura , Tadashi Kozuno

    International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) ,

    paper project

  5. Counterfactual Fairness Filter fo Fair-Delay Multi-Robot Navigation

    Hikaru Asano , Ryo Yonetani , Mai Nishimura , Tadashi Kozuno

    International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) ,

    paper project

  6. View Birdification in the Crowd: Ground-Plane Localization from Perceived Movements

    Mai Nishimura , Shohei Nobuhara , Ko Nishino

    International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) ,

    paper arxiv

  7. Periodic Multi-Agent Path Planning

    Kazumi Kasaura , Ryo Yonetani , Mai Nishimura

    AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) ,

    paper project

  8. ViewBirdiformer: Learning to recover ground-plane crowd trajectories and ego-motion from a single ego-centric view

    Mai Nishimura , Shohei Nobuhara , Ko Nishino

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) ,


  9. Prioritized Safe Interval Path Planning for Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Continuous Time on 2D Roadmaps

    Kazumi Kasaura , Mai Nishimura , Ryo Yonetani

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) ,

    paper project

  10. CTRMs: Learning to Construct Cooperative Timed Roadmaps for Multi-agent Path Planning in Continuous Spaces

    Keisuke Okumura , Ryo Yonetani , Mai Nishimura , Asako Kanezaki

    International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) ,

    paper project

  11. Edge Computing-Assisted DNN Image Recognition System With Progressive Image Retransmission

    Mutsuki Nakahara , Mai Nishimura , Yoshitaka Ushiku , Takayuki Nishio , Kazuki Maruta , Yu Nakayama , Daisuke Hisano

    IEEE Access ,


  12. View Birdification in the Crowd: Ground-Plane Localization from Perceived Movements

    Mai Nishimura , Shohei Nobuhara , Ko Nishino

    The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) ,


  13. Path Planning using Neural A* Search

    Ryo Yonetani , Tatsunori Taniai , Mohammadamin Barekatain , Mai Nishimura , Asako Kanezaki

    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) ,

    paper project

  14. Retransmission Edge Computing System Conducting Adaptive Image Compression Based on Image Recognition Accuracy

    Mutsuki Nakahara , Daisuke Hisano , Mai Nishimura , Yoshitaka Ushiku , Kazuki Maruta , Yu Nakayama

    VTC-Fall ,


  15. Crowd Density Forecasting by Modeling Patch-based Dynamics

    Hiroaki Minoura , Ryo Yonetani , Mai Nishimura , Yoshitaka Ushiku

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) ,


  16. L2B: Learning to Balance the Safety-Efficiency Trade-off in Interactive Crowd-aware Robot Navigation

    Mai Nishimura , Ryo Yonetani

    International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) ,

    paper project

  17. Fast Algorithm for the Lasso based L1-Graph Construction

    Yasuhiro Fujiwara , Yasutoshi Ida , Juny Arai , Mai Nishimura , Sotetsu Iwamura

    Proceedings of the Very Large Data Bases (PVLDB) ,


  18. A Linear Generalized Camera Calibration from Three Intersecting Reference Planes

    Mai Nishimura , Shohei Nobuhara , Takashi Matsuyama , Shinya Shimizu , Kensaku Fujii

    International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) ,

    paper code

  1. InCrowdFormer: On-Ground Pedestrian World Model From Egocentric Views

    Mai Nishimura , Shohei Nobuhara , Ko Nishino

    arXiv ,


  2. TransPoser: Transformer as an Optimizer for Joint Object Shape and Pose Estimation

    Yuta Yoshitaka , Mai Nishimura , Shohei Nobuhara , Ko Nishino

    arXiv ,



Chrome Extension • Notion API


React • UIKit


Python Packaging • PEP links for my personal use

Essential Pointers for Smooth NVIDIA Driver, CUDA, and Docker Integration

CUDA • docker • driver

  1. Reviewer

    ICCV 2023, IROS 2023, CVPR 2023, TPAMI, WACV 2022, ICPR 2022, 3DV 2020-2021, MVA 2021